Alex Y Luo
Data Science Major | Cognitive Science Minor
UCSD ‘21
Interpreting the Higgs boson interaction network with layerwise relevance propagation
The Higgs boson interaction network acquires exceptional performance on Higgs boson identification, but GNNs are broadly too opaque to easily understand the model’s inner workings. With layerwise relevance propagation, we backpropagate relevance and visualize the nodes, features, and edges the model uses to classify with such high accuracy.
A telehealth webapp for Applied Behavioral Analysis, providing social therapy for those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Winner of COVID-19 Global Hackathon 2.0: Social & Mental Health
Data Story
One of my favorite music groups, Brockhampton, has a particularly fascinating narrative arc, complete with riveting character development and climactic betrayals. This project endeavored to aesthetically and quantitatively capture how their music changed relative to the dramatic departure of a particular member.
The retail startup to end sizing. Fitted (formerly known as Boppity) stores user measurements to ensure that the clothes that arrive at their doorstep fit perfectly, regardless of store, purchase platform, device, etc.
The Phineas and
We trained the GPT-2 text generator on scripts of a classic television show for the ages, Phineas and Ferb, and ended up with countless artificially rendered scenarios based on the ridiculous antics of the show we grew up on. The best of these outputs were curated into a single episode script, complete with its own musical number and Doofenschmirtz Evil Incorporated “inator”.